
Hello! Here you can find my commission status, price list and terms of service.

Active discounts

10% discount for my followers on Tumblr, X, VK*Discounts cannot be combined!

Commission Status

Quick traditional sketch - closed
Traditional sketch - closed
Plain sketch - closed
Sketch, simple shading - closed
Full piece - closed

"Open" - feel free to commission me
"Open (1/1)" - DM me to reserve a slot and get in the queue. Please wait until I complete previous commissions. I will contact you once the slot is open
"Closed" - I'm not taking commissions at the moment

Price list

terms of service

About the process


  • Please DM via Tumblr or Twitter/X, if you want me to read your message quickly. Discord is also an option - @skelekerrry

  • Additional changes - 1$ and more, depending on complexity and stage of work

  • There are no free changes when it comes to traditional sketch (it will be very hard to alter)

  • I can also draw real people but only in my own style

Guide to Boosty

My Boosty (link)

  • 0. Sign in using one of the social networks